Saturday, April 07, 2007

Yet Another One


Ryan G. said...

Excellent! Was the TV Ad done by you guys as well?..the paper model sequence was cool.

Anonymous said...

Been seeing the TVC...

How long will it take for the real thing?

glenoe said...

tks ryan! an ad agency did it but we were involved in the creative process and few cg parts were ours.

@cshiok! i heard twas shown almost every 20mins last friday but till now i only managed to catch once. will post the 45sec ad soon.

it will be up by 2011. tks!

Ryan G. said...

Kudos to you Glen!
One thing i liked about the ad as well, was to feature the Architect and the "evolution" of his concept to the actual building.

(Although I really ain't no fan of Daniel L.'s, but it's still good that there's something not typical being designed out there.)

glenoe said...

something i like and what distinguishes this project from the others is the a great deal of professionalism and respect between all the teams involved. despite the challenges, creativity was the guiding force and so delivering the end product was just very easy. i need more of these :)

...will post the ad tonite.

glenoe said...

actually, there's a more profound evolution we did and was shown at Daniel's exhibit at the Art Museum.